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Kilakkarai – Lighthouse


Kilakkarai Lighthouse
Kilakkarai Ramanathapuram Shore. Lighthouse

Kilakkarai Lighthouse is about 17 Km from nearest Railway station Ramanadpuram and is connected by an all weather road.

There wasn’t any light existing at this site prior to the present Lighthouse. The coast between Thonithura and Valinokkam point has chain of islets and shoals. The main activity in the region is fishing. A flag mast was the only assistance to the fishermen-mostly. With the increase in activities the region needed to be marked with a powerful light for the caution against the dangers. As such this Lighthouse was planned during 1974-75. The construction of the tower was completed towards the mid 1979 and the PRB – 42 equipment supplied by M/s. Asia Navigation Aids Ltd., New Delhi, was installed on the tower. The Lighthouse was commissioned into service on 2nd October 1979.

The `C’ type sealed beam lamps were replaced by `D’ type 30V 200W sealed beam lamps on 30th April 2003.


Position 09°13.5 ’ N   78° 47.0 ’ E
Character flash White every 15 sec.
Tower 30m high Hexagonal  concrete tower  (Red and white bands)
Height above MSL 35 m
Range 19 Nautical Miles
Optical Equipment PRB-42 equipment (ANA) with ‘D’ type 30V 200W Sealed beam lamps inside 2.4m diameter  lantern house
Illuminant 100V 3500W Incandescent  lamp
Source of Energy Mains supply 440V 50 Hz (standby genset provided)
Year first Light Commissioned 1979
Subsequent Innovations 2003
Post Kalikkarai Lighthouse,KILIKKARAI,

Ramnad District,

Pin Code: 623 517,

Tamil Nadu, India.

Tel + 91-4567-241377



Welcome to the City of Kilakkarai

Dear Brother and Sisters, Assalaamu Alaikkum.

Direction to Kilakkarai and Ervadi

Thanks for stepping in to the (un)official website for the City of “Kilakkarai” located in Ramanathapuram District, Tamil Nadu, India.

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Kilakkarai is located by the Coast of Bay of Bengal.